Almost every third person has allergies and lives with them. The current medical solutions are mostly based on symptom control: meds, tests, hyposensitization or acupuncture – that can‘t be all.

So Hisnuva developed – as a speculative project in context of a qualifying examination.

Hisnuva offers a different approach and takes a preventive perspective of the needs of the users: with constant air measurement, checking the histamine levels, the triggers for allergic reactions, and a call for help function for acute emergency situations.

Through the filtration, the bracelet recognizes the existing pollen density and also surrounding pollen types that are in the user‘s environment. The sensors on the lower part of the Hisnuva are then able to measure, controll and balance the histamine levels – in the hypothetical sense. In worst case the Hisnuva can alert the emergency service and thus it ensures safety.